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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - walk


Связанные словари


~1 v 1 »MOVE ALONG« to move along putting one foot in front of the other  (We must have walked ten miles today.) + along/around/up etc  (How long does it take to walk into town?) walk down the street | walk back/home  (Marcus and I walked back through the park. | walk up to/walk over to (=to go towards someone or something))  (She just walked up to him and slapped his face.) 2 »WALK ACROSS A PLACE« to walk in order to get somewhere, across a particular area or distance  (I parked the car and walked the rest of the way.) 3 walk the dog to take a dog for a walk  (Grandma's out walking the dog.) 4 walk sb home/to school etc to walk somewhere with someone to make sure that they are safe  (It's late - I'll walk you home.) 5 go walking to walk for pleasure and exercise, especially in the countryside  (Rhys and I went walking in Snowdonia last summer.) 6 walk it spoken a) to make a journey by walking  (If the last bus has gone, we'll have to walk it.) b) BrE to succeed or win something easily  (We thought it would be a tough match but in fact we walked it, winning 5 - 0.) 7 walk free to leave a court of law without being punished or sent to prison  (the case of a teenage vandal who walked free from court) 8 walking pace the speed that you normally walk at 9 walk tall to be proud and confident because you know that you have not done anything wrong 10 walk on eggs/eggshells to treat someone very carefully because they easily become very angry 11 »HEAVY OBJECT« to move a heavy object slowly by moving first one side and then the other 12 walk the plank a) to be forced to walk along a board laid over the side of the ship until you fall off into the sea b) AmE informal to be dismissed from your job 13 walk on air to feel extremely happy 14 walk sb off their feet BrE to make someone tired by making them walk too far walk away phr v I + from 1 to leave a bad situation, instead of trying to make it better  (You can't just walk away from 15 years of marriage!) 2 to come out of an accident or very bad situation without being harmed  (Miraculously both drivers walked away unscathed.) walk away with sth phr v to win something easily  (She knew all the answers and walked away with the prize.) walk in phr v 1 to enter a building or room especially unexpectedly or without being invited  (You can't just walk in here whenever you feel like it! | walk in the door)  (I walked in the door and caught him at it. | walk in off the street (=visit someone such as a doctor without having previously arranged to see them))  (People can walk in off the street and get confidential pregnancy counselling.) 2 walk in dirt/leaves etc to make mud, leaves etc stick to the floor by walking over it when you have mud, leaves etc on your shoes walk in on sb phr v to go into a place and interrupt someone who you did not expect to be there  (Arriving home early one day, she walked in on her husband and his mistress.) walk into sth phr v 1 to hit an object accidentally as you are walking along  (walk straight/right/bang etc into)  (Zeke wasn't looking where he was going and walked straight into a tree.) 2 if you walk into an unpleasant situation, you become involved in it without intending to 3 if you walk into a job, you get it very easily  (Nowadays you can't expect to leave university and walk into a job.) 4 to make yourself look stupid when you could easily have avoided it if you had been more careful  (walk straight/right into)  (You walked right into that one!) walk off phr v 1 to leave someone by walking away from them, especially in a rude or angry way  (Don't just walk off when I'm trying to talk to you!) 2 if you walk off an illness or unpleasant feeling, you go for a walk to make it go away  (Let's go out - maybe I can walk off this headache. | walk off dinner/a meal etc (=go for a walk so that your stomach feels less full)) walk off with sth phr v to take or steal something, especially in a relaxed or confident way  (Thieves walked off with two million dollars' worth of jewellery. | Lottery winners can walk off with a cool -18 million.) walk over sb phr v to treat someone badly by always making them do what you want them to do  (walk all over sb)  (It's terrible - she lets her kids just walk all over her.) walk out phr v 1 to go outside + into  (Payton walked out into the cold morning air.) 2 to leave a place suddenly, especially because you disapprove of something  (Mike walked out after a row with one of his colleagues.) 3 to stop working as a protest  (The electricians have walked out, and will stay out until their demands are met.) 4 walk out (with) old use to have a romantic relationship with someone walk out on sb/sth phr v 1 to leave your husband, wife etc suddenly  (When she was three months pregnant, Pete walked out on her.) 2 to stop doing something you have agreed to do or that you are responsible for  ("I never walk out on a deal," Dee said.) walk sth through phr v to practise something  (Let's walk through scene two to see how long it takes. | walk sb through sth)  (I'll walk you through the procedure before you do it on your own.) ~2 n 1 a journey that you make by walking, especially for exercise or enjoyment  (It's a long walk. Maybe we should get the bus. | go for a walk)  ("What did you do yesterday?" "Nothing much - I went for a walk in the park." | take/have a walk)  (She takes a short walk every day before breakfast. | take sb for a walk)  (Why don't we take the kids for a walk? | walk to/through/across etc)  (a short walk through the castle grounds | long/short/five-mile/ten-minute etc walk)  (I would put on heavy boots and go for long walks.) 2 a fixed route1 (1) that you walk, especially through an attractive or interesting area  (There are some particularly interesting walks to the north of the city.) 3 the way someone walks  (You can often recognize people by their walk.) 4 take a walk especially AmE spoken used to rudely tell someone to go away or to stop talking nonsense  ("Harry's here to see you." "Well, tell him to take a walk.")  (- see also walk of life, sponsored walk sponsored)
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  (walks, walking, walked) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. When you walk, you move forward by putting one foot in front of the other in a regular way. Rosanna and Forbes walked in silence for some while... She turned and walked away... They would stop the car and walk a few steps... When I was your age I walked five miles to school. VERB: V, V prep/adv, V n, V n to n 2. A walk is a journey that you make by walking, usually for pleasure. I went for a walk... He often took long walks in the hills. N-COUNT 3. A walk of a particular distance is the distance which a person has to walk to get somewhere. It was only a three-mile walk to Kabul from there... The church is a short walk from Piazza Dante. N-SING: supp N, N of n 4. A walk is a route suitable for walking along for pleasure. There is a 2 mile coastal walk from Craster to Newton. N-COUNT 5. A walk is the action of walking rather than running. She slowed to a steady walk. N-SING: a N 6. Someone’s walk is the way that they walk. George, despite his great height and gangling walk, was a keen dancer. N-SING: poss N 7. If you walk someone somewhere, you walk there with them in order to show politeness or to make sure that they get there safely. She walked me to my car... = escort VERB: V n prep/adv 8. If you walk your dog, you take it for a walk in order to keep it healthy. I walk my dog each evening around my local streets. VERB: V n 9. to be walking on air: see air to walk tall: see tall ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. verb  Etymology: partly from Middle English ~en (past welk, past participle ~en), from Old English wealcan to roll, toss, journey about (past weolc, past participle wealcen) and partly from Middle English ~ien (past ~ed, past participle ~ed), from Old English wealcian to roll up, muffle up; akin to Middle Dutch ~en to knead, press, full  Date: before 12th century  intransitive verb  1.  a. obsolete roam, wander  b. of a spirit to move about in visible form ; appear  c. of a ship to make headway  2.  a. to move along on foot ; advance by steps  b. to come or go easily or readily  c. to go on foot for exercise or pleasure  d. to go at a ~  3.  a. to pursue a course of action or way of life ; conduct oneself ; behave ~ warily  b. to be or act in association ; continue in union the British and American peoples will…~ together side by side…in peace — Sir Winston Churchill  c. ~ out ~ed over problems with management  4. to go to first base as a result of a base on balls  5. of an inanimate object  a. to move in a manner that is suggestive of ~ing  b. to stand with an appearance suggestive of strides pylons ~ing across the valley  6. of an astronautical to move about in space outside a spacecraft  7. to avoid criminal prosecution or conviction ~ed on a technicality  transitive verb  1.  a. to pass on foot or as if on foot through, along, over, or upon ; traverse, perambulate ~ the streets ~ a tightrope  b. to perform or accomplish by going on foot ~ guard  2.  a. to cause (an animal) to go at a ~ ; take for a ~ ~ing a dog  b.  (1) to cause to move by ~ing ~ed her bicycle up the hill  (2) to haul (as an anchor) by ~ing round the capstan  3. to follow on foot for the purpose of measuring, surveying, or inspecting ~ a boundary  4.  a. to accompany on foot ; ~ with ~ed her home  b. to compel to ~ (as by a command)  c. to bring to a specified condition by ~ing ~ed us off our feet  5. to move (an object) in a manner suggestive of ~ing  6. to perform (a dance)...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v. & n. --v. 1 intr. a (of a person or other biped) progress by lifting and setting down each foot in turn, never having both feet off the ground at once. b progress with similar movements (walked on his hands). c go with the gait usual except when speed is desired. d (of a quadruped) go with the slowest gait, always having at least two feet on the ground at once. 2 intr. a travel or go on foot. b take exercise in this way (walks for two hours each day). 3 tr. perambulate, traverse on foot at walking speed, tread the floor or surface of. 4 tr. a cause to walk with one. b accompany in walking. c ride or lead (a horse, dog, etc.) at walking pace. d take charge of (a puppy) at walk (see sense 4 of n.). 5 intr. (of a ghost) appear. 6 intr. Cricket leave the wicket on being out. 7 Baseball a intr. reach first base on balls. b tr. allow to do this. 8 intr. archaic live in a specified manner, conduct oneself (walk humbly; walk with God). 9 intr. US sl. be released from suspicion or from a charge. --n. 1 a an act of walking, the ordinary human gait (go at a walk). b the slowest gait of an animal. c a person's manner of walking (know him by his walk). 2 a taking a (usu. specified) time to walk a distance (is only ten minutes' walk from here; it's quite a walk to the bus-stop). b an excursion on foot, a stroll or constitutional (go for a walk). c a journey on foot completed to earn money promised for a charity etc. 3 a a place, track, or route intended or suitable for walking; a promenade, colonnade, or footpath. b a person's favourite place or route for walking. c the round of a postman, hawker, etc. 4 a farm etc. where a hound-puppy is sent to accustom it to various surroundings. 5 the place where a gamecock is kept. 6 a part of a forest under one keeper. Phrases and idioms in a walk without effort (won in a walk). walk about stroll. walk all over colloq. 1 defeat easily. 2 take advantage of. walk away from 1 easily outdistance. 2 refuse to become involved with; fail to deal with. 3 survive (an accident etc.) without serious...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) пешеходная дорожка 2) проход 3) метр. уход; блуждание 4) маршрут (в графе); обход (графа) - cat walk - drilling bit walk - drill bit walk - frequency walk - random walk ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  сходни, доска-стремянка (с набивными планками) cat walk perimeter walk ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) блуждание 2) блуждать 3) гулять 4) дорожка 5) ходить 6) ходьба aperiodic random walk — апериодическое случайное блуждание continuous random walk — непрерывное случайное блуждание controlled random walk — контролируемое случайное блуждание correlated random walk — коррелированное случайное блуждание cyclical random walk — циклическое случайное блуждание design walk through — контроль проекта структурный сквозной embedded random walk — вложенное случайное блуждание geometric random walk — геометрическое случайное блуждание increasing random walk — возрастающее случайное блуждание lattice random walk — решеточное случайное блуждание left-continuous random walk — непрерывное слева случайное блуждание n-dimensional random walk — n-мерное случайное блуждание nonrecurrent random walk — невозвратное случайное блуждание one-dimensional random walk — одномерное случайное блуждание one-sided random walk — одностороннее случайное блуждание oscillating random walk — осциллирующее случайное блуждание persistent random walk — стабильное случайное блуждание plane random walk — случайное блуждание на плоскости random walk in space — случайное блуждание в пространстве random walk method — метод случайного блуждания random walk model — модель случайного блуждания random walk with absorbing barriers — случайное блуждание с...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  сущ. 1) общ. прогулка 2) общ. шаг, ходьба, походка 3) общ. церемониальное шествие, процессия 4) общ. тропа, аллея, пешеходная дорожка 5) общ. закрепленный участок для обхода, патрулирования (у лесничих, полицейских и т.д.), сфера влияния, подконтрольная территория (в бандитских кругах ) 6) общ. маршрут 7) банк., брит. "прогулка"* (чек, подлежащий оплате банком, не являющимся членом Лондонской клиринговой палаты) See: cheque 8) фин., бирж. блуждание* (теория, согласно которой цены на активы подчиняются арифметическому или геометрическому случайному блужданию, что отражает непредсказуемость их изменения; из случайного блуждания следует слабая форма эффективности рынков) Syn: random walk See: market price, rate, "efficiency, stock exchange ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. ходьба sharp walk —- быстрая ходьба the town is an hour's walk from us —- до города от нас час ходьбы the station is only a short walk from my house —- станция находится совсем близко от моего дома 2. прогулка пешком to go for a walk —- пойти погулять, выйти на прогулку to take a walk —- прогуляться to go walks with children —- водить детей гулять to take smb. for a walk —- вывести кого-л. на прогулку 3. шаг to go at a walk —- идти шагом the horse dropped into a walk —- лошадь перешла на шаг at the walk! —- воен. шагом! 4. походка, поступь elastic walk —- упругая походка (поступь) dignified walk —- величавая поступь shambling walk —- шарканье, шаркающая походка to know smb. by his walk —- узнавать кого-л. по походке 5. место, тропа, маршрут для прогулок this is my favourite walk —- здесь я больше всего люблю гулять; это мой излюбленный маршрут 6. тропа, тропинка; (мощеная) дорожка a walk in a garden —- садовая дорожка 7. тротуар 8. аллея a walk of chestnuts —- каштановая аллея 9. бульвар 10. галерея; колоннада, портик 11. проход (между рядами кресел, скамей и т. п.) 12. обычный маршрут обхода участка (разносчиком почтальоном и т. п.); объезд (лесника) 13. жизненный путь; сфера деятельности; общественное положение; занятие, профессия (также walk of life, редк. walk in life) people in the humbler walks of life —- люди, занимающие скромное...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) ходьба  2) расстояние; a miles walk from - на расстоянии мили от  3) шаг; to go at a walk - идти шагом  4) походка  5) прогулка пешком; to go walks with children - водить детей гулять - go for a walk - take a walk  6) обход своего района (разносчиком и т.п.)  7) тропа, аллея; место для прогулки  8) obs. выпас (особ. для овец)  9) sport состязание в ходьбе people from all walks of life - люди всех слоев общества - walk of life  2. v.  1) ходить, идти  2) идти пешком; идти или ехать шагом; ходить по, обходить; I have walked the country for many miles round - я обошел всю местность на протяжении многих миль; to walk a mile - пройти милю - walk the floor  3) водить гулять, прогуливать (кого-л.); to walk a baby - учить ребенка ходить; to walk a dog - выводить гулять собаку  4) вываживать (лошадь после быстрой езды)  5) делать обход (о стороже, путевом обходчике и т.п.) - walk the rounds  6) появляться (о привидениях)  7) obs. вести себя - walk about - walk abroad - walk away - walk back - walk in - walk in on - walk into - walk off - walk on - walk out - walk over - walk through - walk together - walk up to walk in on smb. - огорошить, застать врасплох кого-л. to walk out on smb. - покинуть кого-л. в беде; улизнуть от кого-л. to walk the boards - быть актером to walk the hospitals - проходить студенческую практику в больнице to walk smb. round - обвести кого-л. вокруг пальца to walk in golden/silver slippers...
Англо-русский словарь
  adult abbr. With A Loving Kiss religion abbr. We're All The Lord's Kids NASDAQ abbr. Walker Interactive Systems WALLACE adult abbr. We All Look Like Assholes Chasing Earnhardt adult abbr. We All Look Like Asses Chasing Earnhardt ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  See: WIN IN A WALK. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. wealcan "to toss, roll," and wealcian "to roll up, curl, muffle up." Meaning shifted in M.E., perhaps from colloquial use of the O.E. word. "Rarely is there so specific a word as NE walk, clearly distinguished from both go and run." [Buck] Transitive meaning "to exercise a dog (or horse)" is from 1470. The noun meaning "broad path in a garden" is from 1533; sense in walk of life is from 1752. A walk-over (1838) happens in the absence of competitors, when the solitary starter can traverse the course at a walk. Walk-on "minor non-speaking role" is theatrical slang from c.1900; walkie-talkie is World War II army slang. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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